Acklam FC Latest News
Presentation Night
End of Season Presentation Night Saturday 1st July 2023
It would be appreciated if the following rules could be noted and where applicable spectators and users be informed.
NO SMOKING: The Acorn Centre is a smoke free area. If anyone is found smoking they will be asked to leave, this applies to all areas of the site including toilets, changing rooms and the school field.
NO ALCOHOL: Alcohol is NOT allowed anywhere on the site.
NO DOGS: There are no dogs allowed in the Acorn Centre or on the surrounding school site. Please do not bring any dogs onto the site for any reason.
LITTER: All rubbish/litter should be placed in the bins provided. We endeavour to keep the site as clean and tidy as possible and would appreciate if users did the same.
OUTDOOR TOILETS: Any spectators or customers attending/using the outdoor areas, must use the toilets in the outdoor changing rooms. The toilets within the Acorn Centre are NOT for outdoor users to use. It is also requested that children/adults should not use any area of the field eg bushes as a toilet.
PARKING: There is no parking in the disabled bays unless a valid disabled badge is displayed.
EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS: Please do not park in front of the field access gates at any time as they may be needed by emergency vehicles.
OUTDOOR CHANGING ROOMS: No football boots or equipment is allowed in the outdoor changing rooms. It is requested these items are left outside the door. No football boots, kit or equipment can be cleaned in the showers or sinks, any group or team allowing this practice will be asked to leave and will not be allowed access to the changing areas again.
STAFF: Acorn Staff are employed to help and assist customers/spectators but also have the right to be treated with respect. Anyone found guilty of abusing staff, swearing at staff or failing to adhere to a staff request or instruction will be asked to leave the site and will not be allowed to return.
Thank you for your co-operation
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